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时间:2023-10-03 05:54:58 作者:舍我其谁 来源:网友分享


Forty is a number that is used to represent the quantity of forty things. The number forty is commonly used in many different contexts, such as in age, time, and measurements. In this article, we will explore the various meanings and uses of forty.。




Forty is also used as a measurement in various fields, such as sports, science, and technology. In American football, each team has forty yards to move the ball down the field and score a touchdown. In basketball, the court is forty feet wide.。

In technology, many computer systems are built with a 40-bit architecture, which allows them to process data more efficiently.。





1. Forty is the number that comes after thirty-nine and before forty-one.。四十是在三十九之后,四十一之前的数字。2. My grandmother just turned forty years old, but she looks much younger.。我的祖母刚刚过了四十岁生日,但是她看起来要年轻得多。3. The company is celebrating its forty-year anniversary with a special event.。公司正在举办一个特别活动庆祝其四十周年纪念。4. Forty students took part in the spelling bee competition.。有四十名学生参加了拼字比赛。5. The city has forty parks, each with its own unique features.。这个城市有四十个公园,每个都有其独特的特点。6. The temperature dropped to forty degrees below zero during the winter storm.。冬季风暴期间气温降至零下四十度。7. I found forty dollars in my jacket pocket that I had forgotten about.。我在夹克口袋里发现了四十美元,这是我忘记了的。8. Forty percent of the students in the class are international students.。班上有四十%的学生是国际学生。9. The book is divided into forty chapters, each covering a different topic.。这本书分为四十章,每章涵盖不同的主题。10. The marathon runners had to run for forty kilometers before reaching the finish line.。马拉松选手必须在到达终点前跑四十公里。

