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时间:2023-10-07 01:02:08 作者:煮酒送别 来源:网络


The concept of temperance has been important throughout history and has been endorsed by many philosophical and religious traditions. From the ancient Greek philosophy of moderation to the teachings of Buddhism, self-control and self-discipline have been seen as essential virtues for living a fulfilling life.。

In modern times, temperance has become increasingly relevant as our society becomes more focused on instant gratification and immediate satisfaction. With the rise of social media and other forms of technology, it's easier than ever to indulge in things like junk food, binge-watching television shows, and addictive online gaming.。

However, as many people are beginning to realize, this lifestyle can have serious consequences for both our physical and mental health. Overeating and excessive drinking, for example, can lead to obesity, heart disease, and liver damage, while spending too much time online can lead to addiction, isolation, and depression.。

To counteract these negative effects, many people are turning to the practice of temperance as a way to promote balance and moderation in their lives. This might involve setting limits on how much time they spend on social media each day, cutting back on junk food and alcohol, or a conscious effort to get more exercise and physical activity.。

While the practice of temperance may require some initial effort and self-discipline, it can ultimately lead to a more fulfilling and satisfying life. By avoiding the excessive behavior that can lead to negative consequences, we can live more healthily and happily, and enjoy the many benefits that come from a balanced and moderate lifestyle.。


Temperance是一个名词,表示节制、自我控制和克制的品质或行为。它的用法如下:。1. Temperance is an important virtue that helps us control our impulses and make wise decisions.。节制是一种重要的品质,它帮助我们控制冲动并做出明智的决定。反酒精运动是19世纪和20世纪初社会改革运动的一部分,旨在遏制酒精消费。3. She practiced temperance in all aspects of her life, from eating healthy to avoiding excessive spending.。她在生活的各个方面都实行节制,从健康饮食到避免过度花费。4. The idea of temperance is to find balance and avoid excess in everything we do.。节制的想法是在我们所做的一切中找到平衡和避免过度。




temperance的读音为 ['temprəns]。


temperance: 節制,自我克制。
