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时间:2024-01-02 18:59:36 作者:万物皆甜 来源:网友投稿











【苒】苒珲 苒初 苒鹏 瑜苒 晨苒

【芊】梦芊 祺芊 忆芊 芊昔 哲芊

【萱】雨萱 嘉萱 忆萱 如萱 琪萱

【菲】青菲 芸菲 霓菲 玥菲 卓菲

【菡】霓菡 菡念 苏菡 睛菡 颖菡

【萌】菲萌 琬萌 晴萌 莉萌 颖萌

【苗】苗杰 苗楷 苗析 苗涵 苗源

【艾】艾倩 艾晨 艾妍 艾可 艾禹

【茂】茂贺 茂诺 茂望 茂朋 茂权

【茵】雅茵 苒茵 如茵 茗茵 茵姝

【蕾】蕾凝 蕾妍 蕾嘉 蕾思 蕾怡

【芙】芙楠 嘉芙 洛芙 羽芙 妍芙

【荣】荣凯 耀荣 庭荣 荣清 荣锋

【蓉】蓉倩 芷蓉 蓉伶 蓉岚 蓉欢

【茉】桐茉 语茉 茉予 潼茉 夏茉

【莉】莉曼 莉桐 莉姲 莉君 莉萱

【苡】苡菡 润苡 苡卓 苡琛 苡敬

【艺】艺雅 艺思 艺歆 艺菱 艺岚

【苏】苏欣 苏娜 苏泽 苏炫 苏玥

【菱】菱涵 妙菱 菱芸 菱语 伊菱

【苓】苓栩 苓茜 苓君 苓姿 苓枳

【若】若聪 妤若 若兮 时若 若霈

【藴】蕴雅 祝蕴 柠蕴 蕴翊 谨蕴

【萧】萧格 萧霖 萧恒 萧延 萧晏

【薇】薇宁 薇雅 薇夕 薇逸 函薇

【蔚】舒蔚 彬蔚 凝蔚 蔚蔓 文蔚

【苑】苑祺 苑萌 苑奕 璟苑 苑苏

【荞】荞绮 荞郡 荞棋 简荞 婧荞

【茗】铭茗 茗璐 依茗 茗菲 维茗

【芮】芮婉 月芮 芮倩 芮欢 芷芮

【荻】晚荻 荻书 荻霏 荻皓 荻坤

【菁】裕菁 显菁 漫菁 玮菁 梦菁





































































固体废物 solid waste


China will ban all imports of solid waste from Jan 1, 2021, authorities have said.The dumping, stacking and disposal of waste products from overseas on Chinese territory will also be banned, according to the notice.《公告》明确,从2021年1月1日起,我国将全面禁止进口固体废物,禁止我国境外的固体废物进境倾倒、堆放、处置。


进口固体废物(imported solid waste),有时也被称为洋垃圾(foreign garbage),有时又特指以走私、夹带等方式进口国家禁止进口的固体废物(banned solid waste smuggled into China)或未经许可擅自进口属于限制进口的固体废物。

上世纪80年代,我国开始进口固体废物作为一种原材料的来源(import solid waste as a source of raw materials)。多年来,尽管国内的垃圾处理能力较弱(a weak capacity in garbage disposal),我国一直是全球最大的固体废物进口国。近年来,部分企业为获利,非法将洋垃圾(foreign garbage)运入国内,对环境和公众健康造成威胁(pose a threat to the environment and public health)。

2017年7月18日,中国正式通知世界贸易组织,从2017年年底开始将不再接收外来垃圾,包括废弃塑胶(plastic waste)、纸类(paper waste)及纺织品(fabrics)等。

Since the country began to phase out waste imports in 2017, the volume of imported waste has fallen by 68 percent, from 42 million to 13 million metric tons last year, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment said.



Garbage,rubbish, trash 和 waste 在英语里都有“垃圾、废物”的意思,它们的区别在于在哪个说英语的国家更常用。Garbage 是垃圾的美式英语说法;rubbish 是英式英语垃圾的意思;trash 也是美式英语垃圾的意思,但是它也可以用来指不值得尊重的人;waste 是一个正式用语,指没有利用价值的东西,包括废品、垃圾、废物、废料或者指时间、金钱、精力等的浪费。

From January to Nov 15, the volume was 7.18 million tons, it added.


禁塑令 plastics ban


Disposable plastic bags and tableware that are non-degradable have been banned from production, sale and use starting Tuesday in China's island province of Hainan.12月1日起,海南省全面禁止一次性不可降解塑料袋、塑料餐饮具等用品的生产、销售及使用。


在有关“禁塑令”的报道中,我们经常会看到disposable这个词。Disposable表示“designed to be used once or only a limited number of times and then thrown away(使用一次或限定的次数之后就可以丢弃的)”,用来形容塑料袋(plastic bags)等制品,多表示“一次性的”,与single-use意思类似;此外disposable还可以表示“可自由支配的”,比如国家统计局发布的统计数据中经常会有一项是“人均可支配收入”就是per capita disposable income,指的就是扣除各项税金以及社保缴费后,居民真正拿到手可以自由支配的那部分收入。

The first batch of items to be banned include products such as disposable plastic bags, packaging bags, meal boxes, bowls, drink cups and straws made from non-biodegradable polymers.


On the list of substitutes are items such as biodegradable plastic bags; paper, cloth and linen bags; and reusable baskets made of plastic or other materials such as wicker and bamboo, according to the provincial authorities.海南省政府表示,可使用的替代品包括可降解塑料袋、纸袋、布袋以及亚麻布袋,可重复使用的塑料篮子、柳条篮、竹篮等。


Starting in August, the province launched a pilot program on phasing out single-use non-degradable plastic products in places such as Party and government organizations, State-owned enterprises, schools, tourist attractions, big supermarkets and hospitals.今年8月起,海南分阶段、分区域、分重点在全省党政机关事业单位、国企、学校、旅游景区、大型商超、医院等重点行业场所开展“禁塑”试点工作。


这里的短语phase out表示“逐步淘汰,逐步停止”,因为phase本身就有“阶段”的意思,所以phase out强调的就是分阶段、一步一步地停止。比如:They phased out my job in favor of a computer.(他们一步步用电脑取代了我的岗位)。这个短语的名词形式是phase-out,比如:The project is currently in its phase-out period.(这个项目目前处于逐步收尾阶段)。


Hainan has also been cultivating and developing eco-friendly substitutes for non-degradable plastic products. It is expected to form a complete industrial chain of fully biodegradable materials and products between 2022 and 2023.海南省一直在培育发展不可降解塑料产品的环保替代产品,将于2022年至2023年前后形成全生物降解材料及制品完整产业链。

Currently, seven enterprises in the province are able to produce fully biodegradable plastics. By year-end, their production capacity of biodegradable plastic films and bags is set to hit 32,000 tons a year, while that of tableware would reach 11,000 tons a year.目前已有7家省内企业具备全生物降解塑料制品生产能力,年底可形成膜袋类产能3.2万吨/年,餐饮具产能约1.1万吨/年。

今年1月,我国发布《关于进一步加强塑料污染治理的意见》,提出到2025年,塑料制品生产、流通、消费和回收处置等环节的管理制度基本建立(establish a complete plastics management system),多元共治体系基本形成,替代产品开发应用水平进一步提升(make progress in the development of substitute products),重点城市塑料垃圾填埋量大幅降低(significantly reduce the amount of plastic waste going to landfills),塑料污染得到有效控制(bring plastic pollution under effective control)。

二维码互通 mutual acceptance of QR code


The service, effective on Tuesday, allows the QR code on the respective apps in Beijing and Shanghai to be accepted for payments in the subway system of both cities.自12月1日起,北京和上海的地铁乘车二维码均可用于两市地铁系统票款支付。


英语中关于“地铁”的词汇包括subway、metro、underground、the tube等,到底用哪个更合适主要取决于你身在何处。Subway多见于美式英语,由sub(在...之下)+way(道路)组合而成,表示“在路面之下运行的线路”,符合美式英式简单直白的特点。Metro这个词来源于法语métropolitain,1900年,法国巴黎第一条地铁就叫metropolitan railroad,之后简称为metro,并被吸收进英语词汇,目前世界上很多城市的地铁都叫metro。Underground多见于英式英语,但是因为大部分线路都在地下隧道中运行,所以英国人一般都会把地铁称为“the tube”。值得一提的是,美式英语中表示“地铁”的subway在英式英语中却表示“地下通道”,这一点可不要忽略哦。

Beijing and Shanghai have the largest metro networks in China, each handling more than 10 million passenger trips on a daily basis, with frequent travels between the two cities.


Authorities in Shanghai said the interconnected payment method is expected to be expanded to more subway systems in other regions.




Passengers are banned from playing music or videos on speakers of their digital devices or hands-free mobile phone calls in the subway cars, according to the new rules.


Passengers who use the speakers of their digital devices will be stopped by metro workers and law enforcement officers, or handed over to the police if they refuse to obey the new rules.


离婚冷静期 cooling-off period


Under the Civil Code, which comes into effect on Jan 1, couples will have a 30-day cooling-off period after handing their divorce application to the civil affairs department. During the period, either party can withdraw the application.《中华人民共和国民法典》将于2021年1月1日起正式施行,其中规定,夫妻双方在向民政部门提交离婚申请后,要经历30天“冷静期”,在此期间,任何一方可撤回申请。


这里的cooling-off来源于动词短语cool off,可表示“变凉,冷静”等意思,比如:Make sure you cool off the broccoli in ice water after you boil it.(西蓝花用热水煮过以后记得放冰水里冷却。)Don't talk to your mother like that! Go to your room and cool off!(不许那样跟你妈妈说话!回你的房间冷静一下!)

After 30 days, if both parties still insist on divorce, they should proceed to the civil affairs department in person and ask for the issuance of their divorce certificates. Otherwise, they will be treated as having withdrawn the application.




The application system should only be used by couples who had reached an amiable agreement. Situations involving domestic violence are better served through the court system.关于离婚冷静期制度的规定只适用于协议离婚。对于有家暴情形的,当事人可向法院起诉离婚。

生物识别信息 personal bioinformation


North China's Tianjin municipality will prohibit businesses and institutes from collecting personal bioinformation starting next year, amid heightened public concerns over the uncontrolled use of facial recognition, now employed in mobile payment, test-taking, and even public restrooms.华北地区的天津市将从明年起禁止企业事业单位等收集个人生物信息。人脸识别如今已被广泛应用于移动支付、考试甚至公共卫生间等场所,这种无序使用状况引发公众担忧。


这里的municipality指我国行政区划中的“直辖市”,完整的表述为 centrally administered municipality(中央直接管辖的城市),直辖市与省(provinces)、自治区(autonomous regions)相当,省、自治区内的其他城市我们多用city表示。

个人生物信息(personal bioinformation)通常包括指纹(fingerprints)、掌纹(palm prints)、虹膜(irises)、面部特征(facial patterns)、声音模式(voice patterns)以及DNA等信息。


Market credit information providers will be banned from collecting information needed for biorecognition and other personal data, including religion, blood type, and medical history.市场信用信息提供单位不得采集自然人的生物识别信息以及宗教信仰、血型、疾病和病史等其他个人信息。

Personal income, savings, and tax records are also protected from information harvesting unless the collectors informed the clients of possible consequence and sought their written permission.市场信用信息提供单位不得采集自然人的收入、存款、纳税数额等信息,但是明确告知提供该信息可能产生的不利后果并取得其书面同意的除外。


这里说到信息“采集”的时候用到了collect和harvest这两个词,collect本身就表示“收集、采集”等意思,而harvest除了可以替换collect表示相同的意思之外,它更常见的意思是“收割(庄稼、农作物)”,动词、名词都可以,比如:We've been harvesting corn this week.(我们这周都在收玉米。)bountiful harvests(丰收);由此还可以引申出“收获(奖项、业绩等)”,比如:the team harvested several awards(团队获得了好几个奖)。

It will target credit service agents, industry associations, as well as enterprises, and public institutes.


发热诊室 fever clinics

In a bid to strengthen COVID-19 prevention and control measures, China's National Health Commission (NHC) has urged efforts to set up fever clinics in eligible township and community medical institutions.为加强新冠肺炎防控措施,国家卫健委要求在有条件的乡镇卫生院和社区卫生服务中心设置发热诊室。


这里的clinic多指“a facility (as of a hospital) for diagnosis and treatment of outpatients”,即“诊治门诊患者的医疗机构”,而在大学、监狱、游轮等场所设置的“医务室”则多用infirmary表示,这个词表示“a place where sick people stay and are cared for in a school, prison, summer camp, etc”(学校、监狱、夏令营等场所用来照看病人的地方)。


Such primary-level clinics should conduct pre-examination triage and ensure those with fever have access to services including registration, screening, quarantine, report, treatment and transfer.所有基层医疗卫生机构均应当严格落实预检分诊,确保实现对发热患者的登记、筛查、隔离、报告、治疗、转诊等功能。


这里的triage,读作[triˈɑʒ],可用作动词或名词,表示“the sorting of patients (as in an emergency room) according to the urgency of their need for care”,即“根据病情紧急程度对患者进行分类”,也就是我们去医院看病时会经历的“分诊”。

Fever clinics are meant to ensure services to patients from the beginning to end and guarantee every febrile patient the right to get treated.


Clinics should conduct nucleic acid tests and routine blood tests on all febrile patients. If the clinics are not eligible, such tests should be conducted in collaboration with other institutions.


Fever clinics should be isolated from general clinics in medical institutions and equipped with facilities for treatment, protection and sterilization. They should have professional staff with anti-epidemic skills.


珠穆朗玛峰最新高程 new height of Mount Qomolangma

The new height of Mount Qomolangma, the world's highest peak, is 8,848.86 meters, according to a joint announcement by China and Nepal on December 8. President Xi Jinping, exchanging letters with his Nepali counterpart Bidya Devi Bhandari, called Mount Qomolangma \"an important symbol of the China-Nepal traditional friendship.\"


侵犯他人隐私 invasion of others' privacy


The Chenghua branch of Chengdu's public security bureau said in a statement that the man surnamed Wang posted a picture on social media containing identity information and travel records of a woman surnamed Zhao, who was confirmed as a COVID-19 patient on Tuesday. Police said Wang's invasion of others' privacy caused baleful effects in society.成都市公安局成华区分局在通报中表示,这名王姓男子在社交媒体发布了一张内容涉及12月8日确认新冠肺炎患者赵姓女子个人身份信息以及行动轨迹的图片,严重侵犯他人隐私,造成不良社会影响。


这里的baleful属于GRE词汇,表示“凶恶的,有害的,恶毒的”等意思,除了上文中的baleful effect以外,还可以用来形容某个人的眼光,比如:Bill shot a baleful glance in her direction.(比尔朝她狠毒地瞥了一眼。)

Invasion of privacy表示“侵犯个人隐私”,也可以用privacy infringement表示。Invasion除了可以表示这种抽象意义上的“侵犯”,也经常用来表示具体的侵入或侵犯别国领土,比如:They are ready against the possible invasion.(他们防备可能的入侵。)


While some netizens defended her movements as typical in the city known for its vibrant nightlife, others lambasted her for spreading the virus through her party lifestyle.有些网友为其辩护,认为在成都这样一个夜生活丰富的城市,她这样的出行轨迹很正常。另外一些网友则炮轰她这种泡吧的生活方式,称其导致病毒传播。


这里的lambast虽然也表示“批评”,但是在程度上比我们熟知的criticize要强得多,这个词表示“criticize someone severely, usually in public”,不只是严厉批评,而且通常是公开批评,用来形容网友在社交媒体平台的各种“言语炮轰”正合适。

Chengdu's public security bureau called on the internet users to express their opinions in a polite and reasonable way. Slander, spreading rumors or infringing upon other people's rights will be punished according to laws, it said.


健康码互认 mutual recognition of health codes


All regional authorities should implement regulations and mechanism for mutual recognition of health codes in order to facilitate travel and cross-provincial mobility and achieve universal recognition of health codes nationwide, stressed the circular.通知要求,各地要落实“健康码”信息互认机制和规则,切实方便人员出行和跨省流动,实现防疫“健康码”全国互认。


Recognition这个词我们并不陌生,它是动词recognize的名词形式,本意是“认识”,比如,When he returned to his home town after the war, he found it had changed out of all recognition.(战后他回到家乡,那里已经变得面目全非,他都认不出来了),这个例句中的out of all recognition也可以写作beyond all recognition,都表示“与之前的认知差别太大,认出不来”的意思。

本文的recognition强调的不只是“认识”这个层面,而是“接受、认可”,剑桥在线词典的解释是“agreement that something is true or legal”,即“认为某事可信”,用通知里的表述来说就是“跨地区流动人员“健康码”信息在各地区可信可用”。


In low-risk areas, apart from key locations and personnel, the verification of health codes is not compulsory.在低风险地区,除特殊场所和特殊人员外,一般不应查验“健康码”。


Compulsory这个词我们都很熟悉,表示“强制的,义务的,必须做的”意思,除了表示“义务教育(compulsory education)”以外,学校里设置的“必修课”是compulsory courses,再比如,It is compulsory for all motorcyclists to wear helmets.(所有骑摩托车的人都必须戴头盔。)

For the elderly and other groups who do not use or operate smart phones, the circular requires alternative measures such as reading ID cards, presenting paper certificates, having their health codes registered through friends or relatives, or registering multiple health codes under one account.


The circular also underlined that the use of health code data must be strictly regulated to protect privacy.


慕课 MOOCs


China is committed to further opening up its MOOC resources and sharing its quality education resources with other countries and regions, Education Minister Chen Baosheng said the conference. The country now ranks first globally in the number of MOOCs and viewers, he said.教育部部长陈宝生表示,目前,中国慕课数量和应用规模已居世界第一。他指出,中国致力于进一步开放其慕课资源,并与其他国家和地区共享优质教育资源。


Massive Open Online Courses(MOOC,大规模在线开放课程)也被称为“慕课”,最初指教师传统授课过程的电子版,现在,世界各地已经有了专门的MOOC平台,不少世界名校都开设了免费在线课程(online courses),课程内容多为视频形式,从几分钟到十几分钟不等,学生看完一部分后需答对相应的问题才能继续学习,学生之间还可在线进行讨论。此外,MOOC也有作业,deadline和期末考试,并由机器来打分,有些课程通过考试还可获得一张证书。


By October, the country had more than 30 MOOC platforms and 34,000 such courses. A total of 540 million people had participated in massive online open courses, and 150 million university students had received credits through them.截至今年10月,我国已有30多个慕课平台,上线慕课数量超过3.4万门,学习人数达5.4亿人次,在校生获得慕课学分人数1.5亿人次。


To cope with the COVID-19 pandemic, all Chinese universities moved teaching online during the spring semester, with 1.08 million teachers producing 1.1 million online courses, he said, adding that this had laid a solid foundation for promoting the innovative development of online education and MOOCs.陈宝生表示,为了应对新冠肺炎疫情,中国所有的大学将春季学期全部课程转移到网上,108万教师制作了110万个在线课程,此举也为推动在线教育和慕课的创新发展奠定了坚实的基础。

The unique advantages of MOOCs and online education have been leveraged to promote educational equity and sharing of quality educational resources so that everyone can learn whenever and wherever they want, Chen said.



这里的leverage来源于lever(杠杆,读作/'li:və(r)/),可以用作动词或名词,表示“杠杆作用,优势;发挥杠杆作用,充分利用”等意思,比如:The union's size gave it leverage in the labor contract negotiations.(工会的规模使其在劳动合同谈判中具有优势)。He is shamelessly leveraging the system to his advantage.(他在无耻地利用系统的优势为他自己谋利。)

中国媒体十大流行语 Top 10 media buzzwords


一、新冠肺炎 COVID-19

二、抗疫 the battle against COVID-19

三、复工复产 resumption of work and production

四、民法典 the Civil Code

五、网课 online classes

六、双循环 dual circulation

七、人类卫生健康共同体 a global community of health for all

八、抗美援朝70周年 the 70th anniversary of the Chinese People's Volunteers entering the Democratic People's Republic of Korea to fight in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea

九、六稳六保 ensure stability in 6 key areas and effectively meet 6 priorities

“六稳”是指稳就业、稳金融、稳外贸、稳外资、稳投资、稳预期(keep employment, the financial sector, foreign trade, foreign and domestic investments, and expectations stable)工作;

“六保”是指保居民就业、保基本民生、保市场主体、保粮食能源安全、保产业链供应链稳定、保基层运转(ensure security in job, basic living needs, operations of market entities, food and energy security, stable industrial and supply chains, and the normal functioning of primary-level governments)。

十、嫦娥五号 Chang'e 5 lunar probe

唯论文 overemphasizing the role of theses


Chinese education authority has required universities and colleges to rectify the problem of overemphasizing the role of theses in academic appraisals.教育管理部门要求高校纠正在学术评价中过度强调论文的问题。



Appraisal是动词appraise的名词形式,表示“评估,估价”等意思,比如:real estate appraisals(房地产估价);damage appraisal(估损); I made a quick appraisal of the situation and decided to leave right away(我快速评估了一下形势,然后决定马上离开)。


不得简单以刊物、头衔、荣誉、资历等判断论文质量(the quality of a thesis should not be judged simply by the journal on which it is published or the author's title, honor and credentials),防止“以刊评文”“以刊代评”“以人评文”。

不得过分依赖国际数据和期刊(avoid over-reliance on international data and journals),防止国际期刊论文至上。

不得为追求国际发表而刻意矮化丑化中国、损害国家主权安全发展利益(anyone should not deliberately dwarf and vilify China or damage national sovereignty security and development interests in order to get international publication)。

不得将SSCI、CSSCI等论文收录数(number of theses included in the SSCI and CSSCI)、引用率和影响因子(citation rate and impact factor)等指标与资源分配、物质奖励、绩效工资(resource allocation, material incentives and performance-based salary)等简单挂钩,防止高额奖励论文。


SSCI(Social Sciences Citation Index)即“社会科学引文索引”,由美国科学信息研究所创建,是目前世界上可以用来对不同国家和地区的社会科学论文的数量进行统计分析的大型检索工具。

CSSCI(Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index)即“中文社会科学引文索引” 由南京大学研制,是国家、教育部重点研究项目,用来检索中文社会科学领域的论文收录和文献被引用情况。

不得将SSCI、CSSCI等论文收录数作为导师岗位选聘、人才计划申报评审的唯一指标(the only or compulsory criterion for selection of supervisors and appraisal of professors and researchers)。

不得把SSCI、CSSCI等论文收录数作为教师招聘、职务(职称)评聘、人才引进的前置条件和直接依据(the precondition and criterion for the recruitment, promotion and introduction of talents)。

不得将在学术期刊上发表论文作为学位授予的唯一标准(the publishing of theses in academic journals should not be taken as the only criterion for awarding academic degrees)。

不得将学历、职称等作为在教育系统学术期刊发表论文的限制性条件(diploma and academic titles should not serve as restrictive conditions for theses publishing in educational journals)。

不得多头评价、重复评价(one thesis should not be submitted in multiple appraisal events),严格控制涉及论文的评价活动数量和频次。

不得盲目采信、引用和宣传各类机构发布的排行榜(universities should not blindly adopt, quote and promote rankings issued by institutions),不过度依赖以论文发表情况为主要衡量指标的排行性评价。

中国媒体十大新词语 Top 10 new words in media


一、复工复产 resumption of work and production

二、新冠疫情 COVID-19 pandemic

三、无症状感染者 asymptomatic cases

四、方舱医院 makeshift hospitals

五、健康码 health QR code/health code

六、数字人民币 digital currency

七、服贸会 China International Fair for Trade in Services, CIFTIS

八、双循环 dual circulation

九、天问一号 Tianwen 1

十、无接触配送 contactless delivery

嫦娥五号 Chang'e-5 mission

President Xi Jinping on Dec 17 congratulated the complete success of the Chang'e-5 mission that brings back the country's first samples collected from the moon. On behalf of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, the State Council and the Central Military Commission (CMC), Xi, also general secretary of the CPC Central Committee and chairman of the CMC, extended warm congratulations and sincere greetings to all members who participated in the Chang'e-5 mission in a congratulatory message.


As China's most complicated space project, the Chang'e-5 mission has achieved the extraterrestrial sampling and returning for the first time. It is another major achievement in overcoming difficulties by giving full play to the advantages of the new nationwide system, marking a great step forward in China's space industry. This will contribute to deepening the understanding of the origin of the moon and the evolution history of the solar system.嫦娥五号任务作为我国复杂度最高、技术跨度最大的航天系统工程,首次实现了我国地外天体采样返回。这是发挥新型举国体制优势攻坚克难取得的又一重大成就,标志着中国航天向前迈出的一大步,将为深化人类对月球成因和太阳系演化历史的科学认知作出贡献。

人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录 Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity


Tai Chi, a centuries-old martial art and now a popular form of exercise, was inscribed on the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity on Thursday evening (Beijing Time). Another honored entry is \"Wangchuan ceremony and related practices for maintaining the sustainable connection between man and the ocean,\" which was nominated by China together with Malaysia.北京时间12月17日晚,我国单独申报的“太极拳”、我国与马来西亚联合申报的“送王船——有关人与海洋可持续联系的仪式及相关实践”两个项目,列入联合国教科文组织人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录。


Inscribe这个词的本意是“雕、刻”,刻上去的文字一般会保留很长时间,所以这个词也有“写入、记录”之意,即to write, engrave, or print as a lasting record或者to enter on a list,常用的搭配除了上文中的inscribe something on something (as...)以外,还有inscribe something with...,比如:They inscribed the monument with the soldiers' names.(他们把战士们的名字刻在纪念碑上。)


Originating during the mid 17th century in Wenxian county in Henan province in central China, it is now practiced throughout China by people of all ages and by different ethnic groups.


Tai chi's basic movements center on wubu (five steps) and bafa (eight techniques) with a series of routines, exercises and tuishou (hand-pushing skills, performed with a counterpart).太极拳最核心的动作是“八法五步”常规招式以及“推手”(两人之间双手的徒手对抗)。


The wangchuan ceremony and related practices are rooted in folk customs of worshipping Ong Yah, a deity believed to protect people and their lands from disasters.送王船及相关实践源自于民间的王爷崇拜信俗,据称王爷是可以保护民众及其土地免受灾害的一位天神。

The element evokes the historical memory of ancestors' ocean-going and honors the harmony between man and the ocean. It also bears witness to the intercultural dialogue among communities.送王船传递着人们对先辈走向海洋的历史记忆,体现了人与自然和谐相处的理念,见证了社群之间的跨文化对话。


根据联合国教科文组织的定义,非物质文化遗产(Intangible Cultural Heritage)包括口头传统(oral traditions), 表演艺术(performing arts), 社会惯例(social practices),仪式(rituals), 节日活动(festive events), 与本土或全球有关的知识及惯例(knowledge and practices concerning native and the universe)或者制作传统工艺品的知识和技能(the knowledge and skills to produce traditional crafts)。

至此,我国共有42个非物质文化遗产项目列入联合国教科文组织非物质文化遗产名录(册)(42 entries in UNESCO''s Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage List of Humanity),居世界第一。

新冠病毒疫苗 COVID-19 vaccines


In a two-step vaccination drive, the COVID-19 vaccines will be given first to priority groups, including those engaged in handling imported cold-chain products and people working in exposed sectors such as port inspection and quarantine, ship pilotage, aviation, fresh market, public transport, medical treatment, and disease control, Cui Gang, an official with NHC's disease control department, said at a press conference.The vaccination program will also cover those who plan to work or study in countries and regions with medium or high risks of exposure to the virus, Cui added.国家卫生健康委疾控局负责人崔钢介绍,我国目前接种的策略是按照“两步走”方案,第一步主要是针对部分重点人群开展接种,这些人群包括从事进口冷链、口岸检疫、船舶引航、航空空勤、生鲜市场、公共交通、医疗疾控等感染风险比较高的工作人员,以及前往中高风险国家或者地区去工作或者学习的人员。


关于“疫苗”的几个词,vaccine就是“疫苗”本身,vaccinate就是“注射疫苗、接种疫苗”这个动作,而其名词形式vaccination就是“接种疫苗”这件事。动词inoculate在表示“接种(疫苗)”这个意思的时候与vaccinate是可以互换使用的,其名词形式是inoculation,不过inoculate还可以表示“灌输(思想)”,常用的搭配是inoculate someone with,比如:The teacher inoculated them with the idea that the individual can always make a difference in this world.(老师给他们灌输的思想是,个人是可以给这个世界带来改变的。)

Next, with COVID-19 vaccines officially approved to enter the market or the yield of vaccines improving steadily, China will put more vaccines into use, inoculating the eligible population as widely as possible, Cui said.



Eligible这个词在阅读和写作中经常用到,可以用作动词或名词表示“符合条件的(人);合适的(结婚对象)”,比如:you are not eligible for unemployment benefits since you are not really out of work(你并不是完全失业,所以没有资格领取失业救济金)。His mother is keen to find him an eligible within a short period of time.(他母亲着急想在短时间内给他找个合适的对象)。



More than one million doses of COVID-19 vaccines have been distributed for emergency inoculation use since July.The emergency vaccinations were given to people with high exposure risks on the premise of voluntary, informed consent.7月以来,在高风险暴露人群自愿、知情、同意的前提下,我国已经累计完成100多万剂次紧急接种疫苗工作。

After strict monitoring and observation, no serious adverse reactions took place.



If the vaccine's (performance) statistics reach the required standards, the medical products administration will approve it for the market, and then our vaccine will be produced and rolled out more quickly, because we have already prepared for mass production.




It is too early to conclude whether the Chinese vaccines can offer lifelong immunity or protection for five to 10 years like many other viral vaccines.我国新冠疫苗保护期能不能像很多病毒性疫苗一样,能够终身免疫,或者至少保护五年十年,还不能下这个结论。

\"However, there is little doubt that Chinese COVID-19 vaccines can offer protection for at least six months based on existing evidence,\" he said, adding that this standard is on par with the requirement by the World Health Organization.



这里的on par with有时候也写作on a par with,表示“与...标准(水平)一致”,比如:His new book is on par with his best sellers.(他的新书跟他其他的畅销书水平相当)。

Optimistically speaking, it would be unlikely for the public to need to routinely take COVID-19 vaccines once every six months to one year, like flu shots, because the flu virus mutates very quickly and there may be a different strain every year causing an outbreak.流感疫苗每年打一次,是因为流感病毒变异特别快,每年不同的亚型在流行。新冠疫苗不存在半年或者一年要重新再接种一次,比较乐观的估计,可能性不大。

\"Although we believe the COVID-19 vaccine is safe and effective, we advise the public to maintain personal hygiene and protection, including wearing masks, washing hands and practicing social distancing,\" he said.


This is because no vaccine can guarantee 100 percent protection, and people should not lower their guard, especially not before herd immunity has been established, he added.




Usually, the vaccination units are located in health service centers, township clinicss or general hospitals, local governments have been requested to publish information on vaccination services in a timely manner.


Others who have not been vaccinated for the time being need not worry. Wearing masks in public places, practicing social distance and washing hands are protective measures that have been proven to be very effective.


盲盒 mystery boxes

Mystery boxes are gaining popularity in China, with the size of the toy's market expected to reach over 30 billion yuan by 2024, according to an industry report.一份行业报告显示,盲盒在中国的受欢迎度不断攀升,预计到2024年,盲盒的市场规模将达到300亿元。


“盲盒”,在英语中可以用mystery boxes或mystery toy boxes表示,里面装的通常是动漫、影视作品的周边,或者是设计师单独设计出来的玩偶(collectible figures)。之所以叫“盲盒”,是因为消费者在购买的时候看不到里面装的是哪一款(the packaging doesn't allow buyers to see what's inside),只有在打开之后才能看到。


Makers of the mystery boxes currently face fierce competition in the market, with the leader -- Pop Mart -- having a market share of only 8.5 percent, said the report.报告指出,盲盒厂商目前面临激烈的市场竞争,位于领先地位的泡泡玛特占据的市场份额仅有8.5%。


Female white-collar workers and Z-generation college students in first-tier cities are the primary consumers of mystery boxes. Females account for 62.6 percent of consumers, according to the report.



Young Chinese like cute items to decorate their desks and homes. The surprising nature of what one gets also excites consumers的年轻人喜欢用可爱的物件装饰他们的办公桌或家里,(购买盲盒)这种充满惊喜的体验也会让消费者觉得刺激。

China's millennials spend more on mystery toys than any other hobby, including designer shoes and e-sports, according to a report from e-commerce platform Tmall, which is owned by Alibaba.


食品浪费 food waste


Catering service providers may face a fine ranging from 1,000 yuan to 10,000 yuan if they encourage or mislead consumers into ordering excessive quantities of food which causes waste, and refuse to rectify the problem after being warned by market supervision departments, according to the draft law.草案规定,餐饮服务提供者诱导、误导消费者超量点餐造成明显浪费的,由市场监督管理部门给予警告,拒不改正的,处一千元以上一万元以下罚款。


草案明确,食品浪费(food waste),是指对可安全食用或者饮用的食物未能按照其功能目的利用(failure to consume food that is safe to eat or drink in the way it is supposed to be consumed)。

The draft law requires catering service providers to guide consumers to order food in accordance with their actual needs. Their menus should include more information and offer different dish sizes, it said.


Catering service providers can ask consumers who waste too much food to pay a fee based on the amount of their leftovers, it said.



这里的leftover用作名词,表示“剩饭菜”,如果用形容词形式来表示就是leftover food。其实leftover这个词来源于动词短语leave over,表示“遗留,留下(以后再用)”,比如:leave this pie over for tomorrow(这个派留着明天吃),换成被动语态就是we can have the pie left over from yesterday(我们可以吃昨天剩下的派)。

The draft also clarifies the ban on or broadcasting programs or videos related to excessive eating, noting that violators who refuse to correct the problem after being warned by cyberspace administrations will be fined from 10,000 yuan to 100,000 yuan.


平均身高 average height


As the nation's economy and power continue to grow, Chinese people are getting taller, but they are also putting on weight at a worrisome rate, according to the report.报告指出,随着我国经济和实力的增长,居民身高持续增长,但体重也以令人忧心的速度增加。


这里的put on weight就是“长胖、长肉”,我们也可以用gain weight表示。与之相反的“减肥”自然就是lose weight,或者更加激烈的shake off weight(甩肉)。这两者的名词表达分别是weight gain(长胖、增重)和weight loss(减肥、瘦身)。

According to the report, 34.3 percent of adult Chinese are overweight and 16.4 percent are obese.报告指出,18岁及以上居民超重率和肥胖率分别为34.3%和16.4%。


世卫组织对成人做出的超重和肥胖定义如下:身体质量指数等于或大于25时为超重(overweight);身体质量指数等于或大于30时为肥胖(obesity)。身体质量指数(body mass index,BMI)是身高对体重的简便指数,其定义为按公斤计算的体重除以按米计算的身高的平方(kg/m2)。

The average height of Chinese people aged 18 to 44 has increased to 169.7 centimeters for males and 158 cm for females, thanks to an increased intake of high-quality protein, such as dairy products, seafood and poultry, according to the report.报告显示,由于乳制品、海鲜和禽肉等高质量蛋白的摄入增加,我国18至44岁的男性和女性平均身高分别增加到169.7厘米和158厘米。


这里的intake来源于动词短语take in,表示“摄入,接收”等意思,比如:you should reduce your salt intake(你应该减少盐摄入量),The airline is to double the intake of its female pilots(这家航空公司计划将女性飞行员的招录人数增加一倍)。

According to the report, the daily per capita intake of salt and cooking oil of Chinese people is far higher than the recommended portion of five grams of salt and 43.2 grams of cooking oil.


Nearly 20 percent of middle and high school students regularly consume sugary drinks, it added.


The report said that less than one in four adults work out at least once a week.


刑法修正案 amendment to the Constitution


The amendment stipulates heavier criminal penalties for IPR infringements, raising the maximum prison term for trademark and copyright infringements from seven years to 10 years. The amendment also lowers the minimum age of criminal responsibility to 12 for severe crimes such as murder.刑法修正案针对侵犯知识产权的犯罪行为规定了更加严格的处罚,将商标及知识产权侵权行为的最高刑期由7年提高至10年。同时,修正案将谋杀等严重犯罪行为的刑事责任年龄降低至12岁。


这里的IPR是intellectual property rights的缩写形式,即“知识产权”,最近几年很火的“IP”概念是intellectual property的缩写。IP可以是一个故事,一种形象,一件艺术品,一种流行文化,更多的是指适合二次或多次改编开发的影视文学、游戏动漫等作品。IP剧,是指在有一定粉丝数量基础上的国产原创网络小说、游戏、动漫为题材创作改编而成的影视剧。


If a juvenile who has reached the age of 12, but is under 14, commits intentional homicide or inflicts an injury that leads to death,or causes severe injury to the person, reducing the person to utter disability by resorting to cruel means, he or she shall bear criminal responsibility upon attestation and approval of the Supreme People's Procuratorate (SPP).已满12周岁不满14周岁的人,犯故意杀人、故意伤害罪,致人死亡或者以特别残忍手段致人重伤造成严重残疾,情节恶劣,经最高人民检察院核准追诉的,应当负刑事责任。


英语中关于“青少年犯罪”有一个固定的说法juvenile delinquency/juvenile offending,juvenile读作[dʒuːvənaɪl],指“未成年、青少年”,也可以用作形容词表示某人“孩子气的、幼稚的”,与childish、silly意思相近,比如:Don't be so juvenile(别那么幼稚了)。Delinquency这个词读作[dɪlɪŋkwənsi],指“违法行为”,尤指青少年的违法行为,实施违法行为的青少年就可以称为delinquent。

Children aged 14-16 can be held criminally liable if they commit serious crimes such as murder, rape, and drug smuggling or trafficking.



To safeguard biosecurity, the law stipulates penalties for illegally implanting gene-edited or cloned human embryos into human bodies or animals. Convicted criminals could face up to seven years of imprisonment.为了保障生物安全,刑法修正案规定了针对将基因编辑、克隆的人类胚胎植入人体或者动物体内等违法行为的处罚,相关违法人员最高刑期可达7年。


It stipulates that anyone who lures, instigates or cheats athletes into using banned substances in either domestic or international competitions faces up to three years' imprisonment and a fine. Heavier punishments will be given to those organizing or forcing athletes into using banned substances, while knowingly offering banned substances to athletes is also a criminal offence.修正案规定,引诱、教唆、欺骗运动员使用参加国内、国际重大体育竞赛,或者明知运动员参加上述竞赛而向其提供,情节严重的,处三年以下有期徒刑或者拘役,并处罚金。组织、强迫运动员使用参加国内、国际重大体育竞赛的,依照前款的规定从重处罚。


The amended law says people with special responsibilities, including those guarding, adopting, looking after, educating or offering medical care to juveniles, could be sentenced to up to 10 years in prison if they have with girls aged 14 to 16. Further, anyone found to have had with girls under the age of 14 will be convicted of rape and face harsher penalties.修正案规定,对已满十四周岁不满十六周岁的未成年女性负有监护、收养、看护、教育、医疗等特殊职责的人员,与该未成年女性发生性关系的,最高可判处10年有期徒刑。不满十四周岁的的,以论,从重处罚。

Meanwhile, people who rape girls under the age of 10 will receive a sentence of at least 10 years in prison and could even face life imprisonment or the death penalty.


The amended law also calls for harsher punishment-a sentence of five years or more-for people who have repeatedly committed child molestations, have acted indecently against multiple children, have committed such offenses in public or have molested juveniles in a cruel manner.


京雄城际铁路 Beijing-Xiong'an intercity railway

The Beijing-Xiong'an intercity railway opened to traffic on Dec 27, connecting the Chinese capital with the Xiong'an New Area. The railway is 91 kilometers long and has a maximum design speed of 350 kilometers per hour. Passengers can take high-speed trains from Beijing West Railway Station directly to Xiong'an New Area with the shortest commuting time at 50 minutes. The journey between Beijing Daxing International Airport and Xiong'an will be about 19 minutes.


教育惩戒 school discipline


In its first official guideline on teachers' rights to discipline students, the Ministry of Education said primary and secondary school teachers have the authority to hand out punishment and clarified the kinds of punishment not allowed.教育部第一次以部门规章的形式对教育惩戒做出规定,规定中小学教师和学校可以对学生实施的教育惩戒方式,同时明确了教师实施惩戒过程中被禁止的行为。


《规则》对教育惩戒(school discipline)的定义是“学校、教师基于教育目的,对违规违纪学生进行管理、训导或者以规定方式予以矫治(manage, discipline or correct the students who break rules and regulations),促使学生引以为戒、认识和改正错误的教育行为”,明确教育惩戒不是惩罚(discipline is not punishment),而是教育的一种方式。


一般教育惩戒适用于违规违纪情节轻微的学生,包括点名批评(named and shamed)、做口头或者书面检讨(make oral or written apology)、增加额外教学或者班级公益服务任务(do extra homework or classroom chores)、一节课堂教学时间内的教室内站立(stand in the classroom for one class period)、课后教导(receive after-school discipline)等;

较重教育惩戒适用于违规违纪情节较重或者经当场教育惩戒拒不改正的学生,包括德育工作负责人训导(receive counseling)、承担校内公共服务(perform public service on campus)、接受专门的校规校纪和行为规则教育(isolated for discipline)、被暂停或者限制参加游览以及其他集体活动(extracurricular activities suspended)等;

严重教育惩戒适用于违规违纪情节严重或者影响恶劣,且必须是小学高年级、初中和高中阶段的学生,包括停课停学(suspended from school)、法治副校长或者法治辅导员训诫(see a school counselor)、专门人员辅导矫治(go through correction session)等。


一是身体伤害,如击打、刺扎等(corporal punishment such as striking or poking students with sharp objects);

二是超限度惩罚(hand out excessive punishment),超过正常限度的罚站、反复抄写,强制做不适的动作或者姿势(make them assume physically uncomfortable positions),以及刻意孤立(intentional isolation)等间接伤害身体、心理的变相体罚;

三是言行侮辱贬损,辱骂或者以歧视性、侮辱性的言行侵犯学生人格尊严(verbally abuse students);

四是因个人或者少数人违规违纪行为而惩罚全体学生(punish all students for an individual offense);

五是因学生个人的学习成绩而惩罚学生(punish students for poor academic performance);

六是因个人情绪、好恶实施或者选择性实施教育惩戒(hand out punishments based on their personal preference);

七是指派学生代替自己对其他学生实施教育惩戒(ask students to punish their peers)。

(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)

