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时间:2023-06-26 11:12:35 作者:煮酒送别 来源:网友投稿








1. 火焰蓝天队(Flame Sky Team)。2. 追梦天涯队(Dream Chaser Team)。3. 狂风暴雨队(Storm Rider Team)。4. 热血无敌队(Blood and Thunder Team)。5. 异想天开队(Out of the Box Team)。6. 神秘黑暗队(Mystery Shadows Team)。7. 疾风骤雨队(Hurricane Speed Team)。8. 挑战极限队(Challenge the Limit Team)。9. 天马行空队(Sky Horse Team)。10. 幻想夜空队(Fantasy Night Sky Team)。


4. Quizicle: "We may not know everything, but we know where to find the answers!"。6. Mind Over Matter: "Our minds are like sponges, and we soak up knowledge like a thirsty man in the desert!"。9. The Smart Alecs: "We’ll outsmart our opponents with our quick wit and sharp minds!"。10. The A-Team: "We may not always have the right answer, but we know how to work together to find it!"。12. The Thinkers: "We don’t just memorize, we understand and apply what we learn!"。13. The Know-It-Alls: "We may not know everything, but we’re always eager to learn!"。15. The Wisdom Warriors: "We fight with knowledge, and our minds are our swords!"。16. The Mental Giants: "We’re not just smart, we’re mentally strong and resilient!"。18. The Mind Melders: "We’re not just individuals, we’re a collective group of minds working towards a common goal!"。19. The Think Tank Titans: "We’re the titans of our think tank, and our knowledge is our strength!"。20. The Puzzle Pros: "We’re experts at piecing together complex information and solving intricate problems!"。21. The Memory Masters: "Our memories are like steel traps, and we don’t forget a thing!"。22. The Mental Wizards: "We’re not just smart, we work magic with our minds!"。24. The Mental Marvels: "We’re a marvel to behold, and our knowledge is our superpower!"。25. The Intellectuals: "We’re not just smart, we’re intellectual powerhouses!"。27. The Quick Wits: "Our fast thinking and sharp minds always keep us ahead of the game!"。29. The Mental Ninjas: "We strike with our knowledge like a ninja strikes with their sword!"。


1. 狂飙车手 Rush Racers。2. 冠军一族 Champion Squad。3. 神速战队 Flash Riders。4. 独行侠 Lone Rangers。5. 烈火车队 Blaze Squad。6. 百折不挠 Never Back Down。7. 快速党 Speed Demons。8. 异军突起 Rise of the Rebels。9. 红魔车队 Red Devils。10. 绝对 Absolute Mavericks。


