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时间:2023-10-08 12:44:30 作者:风里有诗句 来源:用户分享



首先,我们来听一首经典的万圣节歌曲《Monster Mash》。这首歌于1962年由Bobby Pickett和The Crypt-Kickers演唱,由于其夸张的表现和鬼怪主题,成为了万圣节的经典之一。歌曲中,主人公以Frankenstein和Dracula为代表,带领着其他怪物跳舞,这个欢快的场景不免让人忘记了自己的担心和恐惧。


再接下来,我们来听一下《Ghostbusters》。这首歌曲由雷·帕克(Ray Parker Jr.)演唱,于1984年上映的同名电影中使用,风靡一时。歌曲的内容紧扣电影主题,讲述了四个捉鬼师的故事,整首歌曲富有节奏感和活力,让人想要跟着一起唱起来。

除此之外,还有许多其他的万圣节歌曲也非常有特色,例如《This is Halloween》、《I Put a Spell on You》、《Werewolves of London》、《The Addams Family Theme Song》等等。这些歌曲都以其独特的风格和恐怖的内容,将我们带进了万圣节的世界中。



1. "Thriller" by Michael Jackson。2. "Monster Mash" by Bobby Pickett。3. "Ghostbusters" by Ray Parker Jr.。4. "This is Halloween" from the movie "The Nightmare Before Christmas"。5. "Werewolves of London" by Warren Zevon。6. "I Put a Spell on You" by Screamin' Jay Hawkins。7. "Season of the Witch" by Donovan。8. "Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps)" by David Bowie。9. "The Time Warp" from the movie "The Rocky Horror Picture Show"。10. "Sympathy for the Devil" by The Rolling Stones.。


1. "Thriller" - Michael Jackson。2. "Monster Mash" - Bobby Pickett and the Crypt-Kickers。3. "This is Halloween" - The Nightmare Before Christmas Soundtrack。4. "Ghostbusters" - Ray Parker Jr.。5. "The Addams Family Theme Song" - Vic Mizzy。6. "The Time Warp" - The Rocky Horror Picture Show Soundtrack。7. "Superstition" - Stevie Wonder。8. "Werewolves of London" - Warren Zevon。9. "Dead Man's Party" - Oingo Boingo。10. "Somebody's Watching Me" - Rockwell。


万圣节音乐一般会选择一些带有鬼魅氛围的电音,让人们在欢乐祥和的气氛中感受到一丝丝恐怖的气息。以下是一些非常适合这个节日的音乐:。1.《Thriller》- Michael Jackson。这首歌曲是万圣节经典歌曲之一,充满了鬼魅气息和摇滚感。2.《Ghostbusters》- Ray Parker Jr.。这首歌曲是经典电影《捉鬼敢死队》主题曲,给人们带来了欢快的节奏和神秘的气氛。3.《Time Warp》- Richard O'Brien。这首歌是音乐剧《洛基恐怖秀》中的一首,带有浓厚的万圣节气息和特别的舞蹈步伐。4.《This Is Halloween》- Danny Elfman。这首歌曲是电影《鬼乡镇》的主题曲,充满了鬼魅气息和节日的氛围。5.《Haunted》- Beyoncé。这首歌曲给人们带来了神秘感和强烈的鬼魅气息,非常适合万圣节派对的气氛。6.《I Put a Spell on You》- Jay Hawkins。这首歌曲充满了鬼魅气息和独特的嗓音,让人们陷入神秘的氛围中。7.《A Nightmare on My Street》- DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince。这首歌曲是电影《噩梦街》的主题曲,带有强烈的电音和鬼魅的气息。8.《Somebody's Watching Me》- Rockwell。这首歌曲充满了神秘感和恐怖气息,让人们感受到万圣节的特别氛围。9.《Monster Mash》- Bobby "Boris" Pickett & The Crypt-Kickers。这首歌曲是经典的万圣节歌曲之一,充满了鬼魅气息和摇滚感。10.《Superstition》- Stevie Wonder。这首歌曲带有强烈的节奏感和鬼魅氛围,让人们在万圣节的夜晚。


1. "Monster Mash" by Bobby Pickett。2. "Thriller" by Michael Jackson。3. "Ghostbusters" by Ray Parker Jr.。4. "This is Halloween" from "The Nightmare Before Christmas"。5. "I Put a Spell on You" by Screamin' Jay Hawkins。6. "The Time Warp" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show"。7. "Somebody's Watching Me" by Rockwell。8. "Werewolves of London" by Warren Zevon。9. "Highway to Hell" by AC/DC。10. "Zombie" by The Cranberries.。


1. Thriller - Michael Jackson。2. Ghostbusters - Ray Parker Jr.。3. Monster Mash - Bobby "Boris" Pickett。4. This Is Halloween - The Nightmare Before Christmas Soundtrack。5. The Time Warp - Rocky Horror Picture Show Soundtrack。6. Somebody's Watching Me - Rockwell。7. Superstition - Stevie Wonder。8. Highway to Hell - AC/DC。9. Black Magic Woman - Santana。10. Werewolves of London - Warren Zevon。11. Devil Went Down to Georgia - Charlie Daniels Band。12. Don't Fear the Reaper - Blue Oyster Cult。13. Disturbia - Rihanna。14. Bad Moon Rising - Creedence Clearwater Revival。15. Living Dead Girl - Rob Zombie。16. I Put a Spell on You - Screamin' Jay Hawkins。17. Witchy Woman - Eagles。18. Hell's Bells - AC/DC。19. Bela Lugosi's Dead - Bauhaus。20. The Addams Family Theme Song。
