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Chalice(chalice dota2)

时间:2024-01-26 16:45:54 作者:落荒而逃 来源:网友上传




































Fy:哦就是你除了不攻击我和VG ,其他都要攻击一下。



Chalice:对啊,都是那种路人,我不知道路人他有没有9000分,我都不好说 。






“的武器(Arma Christi)”的基本元素



“的武器”就是根据《圣经》经文的记载和教会礼仪年的设置逐渐发展起来的。至少在9世纪前后,就出现了这样的符号系统。堪称荷兰国宝的《乌特勒支诗篇》(The Utrecht Psalter)中就有类似的图像,但似乎并没有形成一种普遍的共识,目前我们还没有找到同时期更多相关的文字或图像证据。



苦人形象的耶稣被四个天使围绕着。约1460年由德国著名画家Meister E. S.所作。

一般来说,这些刑具或是堆在十字架上,或者由耶稣身边的天使扛着。比如在1460年左右的一幅木刻画中,以“苦人”(man of sorrow)的形象出现,周边的四个天使分别抱着十字架、鞭柱、苦鞭和长矛、醋胆等物。

在更抽象的描绘中,会以十字架的形式标明耶稣的身份,而没有了耶稣自身的形象。我们常看到的十字架上的“INRI”是耶稣的罪名牌,是拉丁语“纳匝肋人耶稣,犹太人的君王”(Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum)的缩写,十字架底部的骷髅头骨象征着耶稣的受难战胜了死亡。





据说,当年圣海伦娜从耶路撒冷寻回的耶稣受难真迹目前保存在梵蒂冈博物馆的秘密仓库中。其中包括十字架的部分木片、耶稣受难时头上戴的荆棘冠、将耶稣钉在十字架上的三个铁钉、耶稣在上加尔瓦略山时曾经擦过血汗的维罗妮卡面纱、耶稣受鞭打时捆绑住他的石柱、给十字架上的耶稣喂醋的海绵以及刺穿了耶稣肋旁的罗马士兵所用的长矛(也就是后世赫赫有名的朗基努斯之矛)。这些和耶稣受难直接相关的物品构成了“的武器”的主要元素。除此之外,较为常见的元素还包括耶稣在最后晚餐的时候使用过的圣杯(Holy Chalice)等。




罗马的耶路撒冷十字架大殿(Basilica of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem)收藏着据说是圣海伦娜带回来的圣髑。包括耶稣罪名牌上的一块铁板、耶稣荆棘冠冕中的两根荆棘刺、一根钉在十字架上的钉子还有三小片真十字架上的残片。








劳伦佐·莫纳克(Lorenzo Monaco,约1370—1425年)是最早采用国际哥特风格的佛罗伦萨画家之一。他本人可能出生于锡耶纳,并在那里成为了一名隐修士,但他主要的创作活动是在他来到佛罗伦萨之后。












此外,在1490年前后南德意志地区编修的《维尼格伍德纹章》(Wernigerode Armorial)中,一幅“的纹章”就也代表了这种简化的趋势。上方伸出的三根手指代表着三位一体,而在盾牌图形内部的标志基本上就是我们上文所叙述之“的武器”的主要图像元素。















艺术的意识与韵律·Beat in the Art and Poetry



一、兰陵王 梅花曲

云烟叠。 窗外寒山渐歇。 风稍急, 斑驳色阴。 江上斜窥影茫惚。 天波淡又惙。 凋缺。 红葩玉颊。 颜鬟侧, 琴绪引丝, 半点含羞掩眉叶。

柯亭弄霏雪。 料凉沁花蕊, 素艳清绝。 殊音变奏俱清越。 嗟寒冰眸睫, 幽香细韵。 飘萧声谱粉晶抹。 应弦柱云拨。

飘拂。 树中月。 乍妆扮花团, 映射偏折。 时光弹拨听回斡。 又迷镜瑶英, 琅玕声节。 聆音顾曲, 琢几瓣, 拟笑靥。

二、浪淘沙慢 雁落平沙

慢朱弦, 云霞解赏, 下瞰轻翮。 云水高流绀碧, 洲边斜起画迹。 且半岸青山藏落日。 歌弹铗、 古今幽涩。 奈问尽诸方眼无语, 文鱼已归息。

高逸。 四机万境瑕壁。 对水色言明, 流光溢、 影落三两只。 正笺纸南天, 鸿阵飞笔。 地仙辨识。 似曲环欲降, 顾瞻回翼。

变奏鸣琴严陵客。 应声落、 吟猱反仄。 幻缘近、 过前汀转侧。 音泛滑、 次第依巡。 爪印浅, 移筝进复携心律。

三、兰陵王 贝多芬第九交响曲

元声起。 激水翻澜倒曳。 城头暗, 光色冥蒙, 魂蝶寻梦密阴翳。 浪花射霓旆。 英毅。 云回侧睨。 依稀处, 弦管兆端, 低郁巴松奏呈瑞。

晓天见晴霁。 正朱槿倾伫, 轻散环翠。 空明静瑟山遒媚。 渐青峰眼底, 莱茵流漾, 灵犀今古料无异。 问乐章谁最。

欢意。 诺伦会。 尽酒逸歌情, 都合高致。 栎边白鹳嘤鸣脆。 更千籁仙音, 蕴和弘丽。 徵羽交响, 竞流泻, 满浮世。

四、莺啼序 芭蕾舞天鹅湖

翩跹角徽弱冠, 早罗缨六穗。 玉酒湛、 画阁升音, 逸姿闲婉韶靡。 滑步顿、 繁弦脆管, 柔伸雀跃腾掀坠。 想芳菲弥满, 禽鸣林坞浑粹。

白鹄翩飘, 立半足指, 正冀望携俪。 奥杰塔、 眄睐频回, 轻颦轻笑忧愧。 七弦声、 竦躯鹤立, 九转蝶、 旋环身意。 击脚弹, 组绣纤腰, 回眸青岁。

使轺结辙, 当户三星, 对千金蛾翠。 情默默、 愁颤秀靥, 谁寄缄情, 变奏中鸣, 恍惘心誓。 双飞百匝, 翔佯圆晕, 斯须地轴挥鞭转, 黑天鹅、 左右人姝丽。 惊鸿避面, 迸出闪电飞光, 欲说悲怆临睨。

追寻芳趾, 仙氅洲迷, 更郁纡雪翳。 野云暗, 露华萝薜, 影蘸葵心, 水袖风裳, 冷光游曳。 湖心化蝶, 鸥波溶漾, 残妆倩影芳魂去, 入东虚、 系五丝祗畏。 竖琴慢调柔濡, 玄幻遐幽, 舞筵灵瑞。

五、三台 马林斯基剧院的夜晚

念铜弦琴键配奏, 弄乖命中惊诡。 掩抑扬、 画阁出高音, 咏吟调、 仁慈迁罪。 高音酌、 曲式随流水。 辄独唱、 灵修原洗。 妥宁赐、 流响清歌。 对洞隙、 意倾留止。

恰低声睡美召唤, 后转前翻拈指。 慢变奏、 蓝鸟影蹁跹, 逐睡魄、 玫瑰柔蕊。 丁香紫、 赋性善依倚。 魔咒吻、 凝情芭蕾。 彼季帕、 足下通仙, 奥罗拉、 眼前悲喜。

看飘然繁步炫酷, 舞姬软腰奇技。 两臂弧、 早蔓引花纹, 脚尖滑、 伸延纤腿。 妮姬娅、 忍情鸳凤绮。 接翼飞、 交响倾耳。 索罗尔、 惇固雕镌, 答幽灵、 断魂骑士。

六、拜‬星‬月‬慢‬ 第聂伯河上的月夜

草暗烟浔, 天低疏野, 镜面风清浪细。 倒映玄晖, 似流珠浮翡。 色分韵, 闪动、 孤帆竟夕天际, 桦叶水宫幽佩。 意曲断章, 对残河迷晦。

溢蟾盘、 万斛青葡坠。 调圆晕、 荡漾光波会。 云幕画廊投影, 立中宵阴翳。 转冰轮、 两岸樱桃睡。 俱能照、 斑陆离榛卉。 时飘落、 景夜黎明, 梦徽尘倚事。

七、满庭芳 构图八号

绿冷提琴, 声轻歌调, 几何小号丝弦。 淡蓝长笛, 疑鹤怨鹂寒。 冷暖半圆协奏, 徒按谱、 兼彩琅环。 线条舞, 五音六律, 徽位有谁传。

红轮遮不住, 唯心高韵, 紫褐栖盘。 对曲角, 符图抽象翩联。 弦乐目锤手举, 天外曲、 七色簧言。 真灵键, 低昂互节, 画里数声悬。

八、解语花 梵高的向日葵

波摇绽蕊, 日转金盘, 晴热黄晖熠。 满盘生帛。 薰弦入、 鲜润朝花欲滴。 光分琥珀。 色阶上、 睛迷缦密。 冀玮瑰、 乍著青袍, 对萼匀装毕。

幻杳橙红暖律。 逐照痴心尽, 命自蒿棘。 蓝桥灵瑟, 举头时、 奇绝玄机谁译。 勾魂叶隙, 浓淡抹、 终然有秩。 解愠风、 丈菊还忧, 何处朝曦赫。

九、解连环 达利记忆的永恒

海痕蓝束。 似千寻削落, 百峦伸缩。 忆旧时、 夕照低迷, 怅云缕柔魂, 粒光流速。 像素调高, 光谱色、 能寻钟斛。 正流连幻境, 蒙太奇观, 虚空歌续。

飞黄浦滩夜夙。 想时间秘汁, 零落伤触。 路未尽、 疲表踟蹰, 且轻散琉璃, 躺卧灵族。 橄榄枯枝, 黑蚁躁、 半眠鱼蹙。 水波印、 日辰射解, 漫弥画幅。

十、解连环 阿尔罕布拉宫回忆

野林罗幔。 正楼台夕照, 掩荫丘甸。 七叠门, 雕柱镌铭, 黑鹫对、 狮庭曳泉流溅。 琼苑金娘, 怅红堡、 销沉凄惋。 昔回廊满月, 洞彻紫冥, 忏拔灵唤。

珠帘玉舆靖献。 念弹弦暖响, 霓袖鸾殿。 只景光、 封恨歌云, 似杜水西流, 曼吟无倦。 惊梦孤山, 法蒂玛, 清宵余怨。 又几声叹息, 深浅几分惑眩。

十一、多丽 泰姬陵

晨烟袅, 渐迟玉殿园茔。 起纤歌, 伊人乍出, 态浓意远丹贞。 捧金瓯、 绣裳羽冠, 妩妍仙眷柳营征。 青岸飞绡, 夕阳铺水, 只消宁树惹春生。 玉钩吐、 柔蓝宫寝, 柏树夜薰晴。 双栖燕、 花时几度, 疑梦伶俜。

倚哀弦、 萧声凤泣, 寂寥朝暮盈庭。 欲招魂, 语凝嘱付, 望祠神女锁幽囹。 颊泪晶荧、 长情嗟羡, 恒河也发棹讴声。 隔别苦、 罗衾更冷, 怜悯总生情。 阿姬曼、 离愁月影, 偏照余英。

十二、金缕曲 圣家族大教堂



























Beat in the Art and Poetry

By William He

I. Plum-blossom in Three Movements

Drifting beads of frost of the air. Cantus slowing down the cold mountains near. A ribbon of sound reverberates, Mottled brights intercepting and crossing, Giving multiple shade and change to the river well. Tunes paint a fragile picture of the dusk. As the world is clad. The colours come tumbling down. Playing with the lyre, Blossoms taking flight from strings, They are fluttering unknown visions on their wings.

Fluting on the drum-tight shell of topped snow. How to compose for the balm in the cool wind. Fresh snow scattering unequally on old ice. Filled with heart-stirring highs and euphonious lows. Enmeshed in the sound and glorious mysteries, Reborn and baptized in sleek tone. Sliding squeaky and sweet on strings with ardor even. Flames of passion burn around the atman still.

With every breath and note. Luna stands for the flowers of soul.  Semblances of dreams keep falling like petals, There are the fantasy and sight. Plum-Blossoms lay them sacredly in measures of time. Spirit unwrapped in full state of undress then. They in prisms of chalices this night. Acoustical shadow whirls and flits, The magic buds sprouting, As if holding all the smiles.

II. Wild Geese Descending on the Sandbank

The tune harmonious, Wild geese wrapped in a cloud, Who knows what they will look. Song from their thin and trembling lips, With the melody, deep and liquid-slow. A holy orchestrated creation with sunset shades. What is this they sing, They keep monotonous tongues now. Only low lost winds maundering as they wander, No fair dreams before their mind's eye.

Living in music's breath. Biding bird's anima quicken and leap to light. Epitome of tenderness and sympathy, Harpsichord's bright tones, With sights a few of them feel a zoom. They rebuild wings on the way down, Play a melody deep in their heart. Layers of river-mist on river. Earthly emotion here is dour suspension, How to catch the reflection then.

Honking more gracious song than man can weave. Fall down and down, With the pentatonic scale. Arcane magic of zither, Chords have wrought them brave. The birds whose note, Descending from tangerine sky. Their quivering limbs, Grabbing at the arms of old and low rhythm there.

III. Beethoven's Ninth Symphony

Waves with tumbling. The crests of everywhere to be blown. Muffling folds of pall, The billowing cloud of dark dust, Percussive thunder from the kettle drum. Peneus is distraught at night. Only the brave. Heaven's light turns to boundless hope. A low-pitched sound, Flavored violin trills arise, The bassoon strikes a triumphal chord.

The doubts dissolve in the dawn. Pierre De Ronsard Roses blossom, In a wild harmonious maze. Grand departed haunt the mountains sense. The nobly Thallo of torid green, Goes across the Rhine, Which is the perfected temple of soul. The Mind's Eye by Oliver Sacks.

Ode to Joy lyrics. Norns sing notes in tune. Youths of radiance are twirling, Things dear and fair. White storks revel in such domestic bliss. Just like the ninth marching debut, He swings the baton once more. Heart of Glory in the golden lays, The concert allegro pioneers, Where all the world will go.

IV. Swan Lake Ballet

Frolicsome flights on strings and harps, The Prince with the golden crown. The wine-red hand, The flute's endearing notes, Of imitating flattering silhouettes and arcs. Gliding along floor, The poetic pixie piccolos, Perfect continuum between explosion and still. Feeling alone yet surrounded, His life's real color hard to choose.

Graceful and costumed in white, She glides and silently suffers, Sheering away from images she dwells on. Odette raising her arms, Nimble as descending seraph, A beauteous figure rises on the tip toes. In the orchestra narrative, He is pirouetting up and down. Von Rothbart's sorcery, Riding her eclipses of beauty. Dance of the cygnets, Pirouettes and high leaps, Imbuing childhood dreams.

It is the magical coalition, Like float comes the beau, Beckoning the belle in amorous hue. Allegro moderato, Coyly moving in hesitant grace, They in a quick swift movement, Sound likes a quaint orchestration, Siegfried rising in a languid mood. Gyrating to the strong beat, Ground slips under their feet, And the music is harmonizing to her Fouette, Odile here and now, Like nothing can separate them. While weeping appears, The lyre and violin start roaring, Swan alone with a broken heart.

On Swan Lake he twirling around, Marching in circles around the root, Snow keeps monotoning tongue with him. Velvety theme soothes, A parable in the pathless shadow, Light stream through parting clouds, A pas de deux with infinite partners, She behind the glow as a shooting star. As butterfly wings their legs flutter, And waft collinear paths behind them, Should their souls from foreign broils keep free, In dreams and in eyes, They are cheering the weighted heart. Scene finale moderato melodies and harmonies, Oboe's rhythm in notes, Through bright resonance flow.

V. The Evening at Mariinsky Theatre

Brass band through the stormy shades of the wordly way, Shadows reflect themselves in contorted passion here. Violins draw wefts of sound, Hearing the soulful strains of Leonora, All that one knows and feels, Shall pass like an unreal mystery then. Descanting melancholy theme, Ere the dawning of morn's undoubted light, Sheds on a lonely abbey, The flame of life is so fickle and wan. Praying with every breath, In the chords of his escape there. Gazing at the cavernous hole, The force of destiny will never stop.

Staring at the sleeping beauty is also a temptation, Whirling and dancing can not wake her up. The dark leaves falling, In the land of the fairies and the elves, As she twirls and capers, These delicate petals in fragile cast. As an immaculate angel, With her toe so elegantly executes pirouette, Within the eyes of the devil, He stirs sweet love to her surprise well. Petipa in the leaping light, Entranced by this nocturnal ballet, Aurora caressing her eyes, Her sights alternate between joy and grief.

Standing vertically on the motion of mortal hearts, La Bayadere's language where all language ends. Rolling off the Arm, She would trace with quaint design, Tiptoes of light stream, In that step as butterfly wings. Nikiya solitary and desperate, Bitter constraint and sad occasion dear. While she glissades below, Baptizing in symphonies once more. Solor's toes are pivoting, The dance is breathing of statues, In the Kingdom of Shades, Able to see what we never shall see.

VI. Moonlit Night on the Dnieper

The black grass and the high river, The pits of air and the gulf of space, An Echo Spirit floating in the illuminating beam. Tryst with the emotional moon, A prism on glass-green water in the night. Along damp chambers of the air, Moonlit sparkles the fantasy, A canoe floats upside down on the Milky Way, Magnificent opals on the mature birch leaves. Drinking deep the magic charms, The Being beneath its fanciful disguise now.

Pouring the luminous fluxes, Layered colors in the grape green streams. Light and shadows circle, Signaling every crystal cluster to its place. Lying beside the shining Fount of Life, Pistac clouds drift across Selene's face. The glowing wheel whirling, Cherry checkers with moonlit and shade. The brightness with a hope, Variegated threads dive into verdancy then. A sontata for watery gleam, Lulled by virtually unheard melody, One half awake beholds a sleeper's dream.

VII. Composition VIII

Stimulated by the Green Violin,

Color images are in the motion,

Bauhaus geometric distribution in some ways.

Light bounces off flutes as powder blue,

Pale planes alternate with dark soliton stripes.

In the cadenced canvas cello strings vary,

Rolling vibrations ring,

Music in scarlet and purple.

Tartan skirt of composition,

Primary shades the symbolic effigies,

These are deciphered by some Rosetta code.

Phoebus fanned and turned crimson,

He is ferrying the jigsaw's spell,

Circles mapped in mystery then.

Patchwork s and curves,

Universal law of harmony in the visual arts.

While the soul is a piano of many strings,

The ether is smart keyboard,

They too with lyrical chords can chime.

The eye is the hammer,

A multitude of different tones,

The picture has its own inner sound.

VIII. Van Gogh's Sunflowers

Unblinking yellow eyes, In the patches of amber, The flaming flowers bright blaze. Colored glow of sunflowers light. Green among with ochre, To paint the beauty in a most poetic way. To dazzle with splendor as well. The colors of romance, Magic hues of gold to greet the sight. With music in his soul, In one of these Tuscan fields, Painting us under a summer sky.

A lyric of soaring color and oozing verve. Never think to turn to cold and shadow, Above all the weeds swallowed up. The century empty existence, In solid masterful stroke, Lending a soothing place for troubled heart. Brown and somber shades, The thought discolors, The spirit thrives on in the end. Releasing refreshing corollas, The golden heads as true passion spirals, Wish the petals always stretch toward the sun.

IX. The Persistence of Memory

Air polishes its prism on the sea. Ridge seems no more a soulless thing, An austere Being crouched there. In the quest for yesterday, Photo-activated luminescence, Distorting the four-dimensional space, Measuring the quantum wave. Pigments flirt with the ages, Luminosity stretching, Past-tense fantasies as well. With the floating bits and fragments, Pasting again frame by frame, The unduplicated episodes even.

A vast panorama from the unconscious ever. Relapsing memories holding no boundary, Clinging embryos and dripping clocks. Simply standing still, Watch stops to a capture attribute, Undergoing an amazing metamorphosis, lying on bizarre fish in the sand. But the olive tree says to them, No room for lasius niger, Chronographs flux into the land. With self-contained Siren, Time is melting like a candle, Trickling down to cupped hands.

X. Memories of the Alhambra

In the hedgerow of cottage-hill, On the wall of the forsaken castle, Heaven hath her golden bough. Sheer scale and grandeur, Cursive and kufic writings engraved, Sarcogyps calvus is curious, Melted silver flows through the pearls. Dazzling Myrtles, fuchsia and purple, In Patio de los Arrayanes, They all in low spirits many a time. Moorish lattice of my dreams, I excel through the generosity of, The imam Muhammad for all.

Heroic bosom beats no more in the mirador. Degenerating into Tarrega's hands, The rhythm divine chords in those days. Time and fantasies are fermenting, Amusement dissipates the nostalgia, Duero River no longer flowing backwards, The magic sink deep within year by year. Infidel might efface the moon, In the sight of Khamsa, Satan is creating bad blood. Some Sigh for prophet's Paradise, Wandering about in the vault of the sky.

XI. The Taj Mahal

When morning's rise, A monument of marbled grace in silent light. It blushes pink and water sings, The submerged girl looks, Well-bred and gentle but reigns. Questing for perfection, The Taj likes a sonorous rose, An exquisite beauty as brave as her Khan. Jasmines with sweet scent, Yamuna River reflects the sunset, Melia azedarach in blossom here. Whenever the moon glimpses, The queen in a light oozed scroll, Turns into virginal bride in cypress and pine. Hearts always keep, In the current of time, In everlasting sleep.

Mourning for his loss, Shah Jahan is wrapped in his sorrow, Sighing and denying each gift for him. Gazing at marbled mausoleum, He reminisces her parting injunctions, Wishes to hell when he is imprisoned near. Tears like a moment's epitaph, Passion is so deep, The Ganges in sadness chants. Memories are so strong, He unswervingly sticks to, The promise of previous life. Mumtaz Mahal, To a crescendo of sighs and moans, The sage of love takes his leave.

XII. Basilica of the Sagrada Familia

Rippling contours of the stone facade look, As though twinkled discs, A series of hyperboloid grids, All are melting in the sun. Illuminating palm leaves stir in the breeze, Pinks and blues like castle parapets much. The Annunciation, A liturgical solemnity here. Jewel-shades waltz with solar pulse, Scents float gently, A mosaic of peristyles with colored glaze. Ardea purpureas play, Across the emerald lea.

Nature is full of latent and unliberated causes. The synoptic Gospels, Grace graceful curves, And conscientious columns. Creating mysterious magical moments, Redeemer and Messiah blessing. The Nativity Facade, Star stands forth in Heaven. On earth peace good will toward men, The Glory Facade, The sound of Angelus gives men comfort. With the devout vow, Solace above or below.
